
Neural Translation

A synthesis of experience. You are here. Your mind in melody with the surroundings.
The glimmering of light upon the surface of the sea, what a delight it is to be an observer of our own brain. This nucleus of connectivity and infinite imagination. NATURE in all of it’s beauty, within your brain.

The billions of synaptic fireworks casting far and wide. The treasures glimmering in your own night sky within the limits of your skull.
And you converge.

You translate those shimmers upon the endless sea that holds this globe in which we sail, and the imagination becomes reality.

It becomes the topic of conversation. What we see. What we hear. What we do.
We are convinced it is something beyond us, when it is ourselves and our beautiful imagination. The ability to peer into ourselves.

The very makeup of what we are. This glowing being. A multiverse of infinite display.
This is our neural experience. This is the treasure.
Life is a mindset.

: Greg

In response to watching Being There, a 1979 film, and sailing. These notes I write to myself and I’ve decided to share them with those who may be interested.

Comments ( 2 )

  • Sue Herz says:

    I really enjoy how you write about your amazing thought process. It helps me
    to reflect and think about things differently.

  • RIchard says:

    I remember watching that movie when it came out. I’ll have to check Netflix for it…

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