
Technology + Freedom

Freedom of the press applies to everyone — yes, even bloggers — Tech News and Analysis.

Click the link to check out an article about our freedoms and rights to use technology in public space. I personally believe that if we can see it with our eyes, we can see and record it with our technology. If news corporations can record what they like, we as individuals should be able to have the same power (apparently governments don’t agree).

We have the opportunity to take the technology we have today (twitter, facebook, youtube) and use it as a means of changing the way we interact with global news. We are the news. Each one of us has our own unique perspective on what goes on in the world. We should be able to not only broadcast these perspective of events that we encounter, but also provide our own opinions and spins on what ‘news’ is relevant and important.

The current system of corporations owning most of the news channels in the world is not only problematic, it is dangerous. These media sources base many of their featured news pieces on the stories that will generate the most income. They want viewers to be glued to the screen. How do they do this? Continuous ‘news’ about violence and/or fame.

Our news source has the potential to be every person on this planet. Thanks to Twitter, blogs, Facebook, Youtube, among others; people are the news.

‘News’ should be something that ultimately benefits us in some way upon hearing it. ‘News’ should not be profit driven. ‘News’ should be benefit driven…how can this story benefit someone else in some way?

So I say stand up for your voice in what ‘news’ is and continue to support the use of personal technology for documenting what actually goes on in the world.



Comments ( 4 )

  • Dennis says:

    True the news gets distorted from the corporations. But opening up the internet so everyone has their shake at the news doesn’t make things better. Just look at what gets views on YouTube, what gets followed on Twitter. Plus, everyone is going to have a spin on everything. I know news corps will tell you what they want to tell you, but the result of getting the news from your uninformed-yet-thinks-he’s-informed neighbor is not going to be much better at giving you all the truth.

    That all said, I completely agree with the blog…it’s ridiculous to not be able to film cops in the streets breaking laws and abusing power.

    • admin says:

      We are still in the beginning stages of using these new forms of ‘news’. In regards to a lot of what is posted on youtube and followed on twitter…yes it is often times trivial/ridiculous, but the very idea that people can now broadcast their own versions of stories is pretty cool. The search for ‘truth’ is news will arguably be never ending; however, I think we are making steps towards a more democratic and just form of news sharing…

      • Dennis says:

        Democratic doesn’t always mean better…would you like your cancer treated by someone off of webMD or by a real certified doctor?

  • rick says:

    These are huge issues for all of humanity and have been for ever. We are in the Internet Reformation and the powers that be have been trying to stuff the internet genie back into the bottle. They’ve done pretty well but eventually information will find its way out.

    As for worrying about who’s doing the reporting….that doesn’t matter because you should never believe anyone. You have to learn to recognize truth. It’s like being a truth detective. Look at the person and ask your self who’s paying them. That will provide a big clue.

    Youtube is heavily censored and mimics the vast propaganda machines known as
    “mainstream news” . The stream in mainstream is heavily polluted. I do like RT news. They have an english version that’s not bad.

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